self-titled release or not. Currington's debut album was a soaring attempt, though undercut, in my opinion. After listening to both his old album and "Doin' Somethin' Right" a couple times, I honestly prefer his new album. Although Currington has a couple songs on "Doin' Somethin' Right" that shouldn't have made the cut, his album is pretty good.
"Doin' Somethin' Right" starts off rather shaky with "I Wanna Be A Hillbilly." I can't see Currington as being a hillbilly. Maybe he is and his style deceives a hillbilly in disguise, but I still just can't connect the song to him. "Good Directions" is a fun-loving song with the most potential for success. I think it'd be a great single for radio and I'm sure his fans would love it. "Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right" is the one single from Currington that when I heard it, I knew it would do well. I could tell that there was something special about this single and it was the first time I realized that Currington has a lot to offer.
Currington singing ballads seems to work with his vocal range the best. He can sing up-tempos well, but the ballads stand out and overpower his other songs. Out of the up-tempos on this album, "Why, Why, Why" would rank at the top and should be a future single for Currington, as well.
Billy Currington is one of the very few artists with a unique tone and rough vocal style. Yeah, other new artists are great, but the majority sound like everyone else - That's not the case with Billy Currington. It looks like he is doin' many things right, these days. - Janelle Landauer
Billy Currington
Doin' Somethin' Right
Billy Currington released his sophomore album on October 18th 2005. With sophomore albums, you have so much to prove. You have to start off with a good core base for songs and then you also really have to show everyone that you're different from the rest trying to make it in Nashville.
When I initially listened to "Doin' Somethin' Right," I wasn't sure if it surpassed his