How do you think you've grown since your first album with the NHW Songwriters Tour?

I'm not sure I've really grown since 10th grade, but I really haven't checked since then.  (Laughs)  There is certainly more familiarity with each other which makes for a more relaxed show and recording process.

With a name like No Hit Wonders, do you ever worry that you may jinx your luck and end up with no hits?

No, we don't.  Primarily, because our goal isn't "hit" songs.  Our goal is to impact people with our songs. 

At what age did you begin singing?

As soon as I figured out that I wasn't going to be tall enough for the NBA. (Laughs)

How and when did your first break in the music industry come about?

I was on an airplane and the guy sitting next to me was the CEO of a large Canadian company.  By the end of the plane ride, he had hired me to write music for their corporate video. 

What is next for you and the NHW Songwriter's Tour?

Lunch and more shows, more recording.  We've never done too much forward planning.  God has just opened doors and we've walked through them.

Do you have a favorite song of yours on the "Courageous" CD?  If so, what is it and why is it your favorite song?

Probably "Courageous."  We've gotten a lot of incredible feedback on that song.  It's truly humbling to hear about children and adults saying their lives have been affected by that song.

What kind of songs do you look for (or write) when you go to record albums?

I first try to write songs that I like musically.  I know that sounds simple, but if you have to sing and play these songs a bunch you better like hearing them.  I try to avoid the predictable.  Lyrically, I try to record songs that are hopeful.  Hopelessness is devastating, but hope is more powerful than just about anything. 

Where do you find the ideas and inspirations when writing songs?

Oprah (Laughs!) I'm kidding.  From observing and experiencing life.

Who are some of the other artists & songwriters you have written with or for?

I've written for Phil Vassar, Kenny Loggins, Martina McBride and others, they just don't know it yet.  :-)

Donna Douglas ("Hard Way" by Faith Hill)
Michael Boggs (from the group FFH)
Cheryl Rogers (Grammy Winner)

Can you tell us about your favorite song that you've written overall?  What does it mean to you?  Why did you write it?

They tend to change but I'd have to say "Grateful" which is on our second CD.  The song is simple yet probably the most honest thing I've written.  I wanted to write a song to close my shows with and something that would sum up the way I feel everyday.  I feel like the most blessed person in the world and wanted to express my gratitude in song.

One of our favorite songs of yours is: "Good Day To Get Lost."  How did this song come about?

Sabrina, also on the NHW Tour, was at my house in Atlanta and was about to head back to Nashville.  She was worried about getting lost.  It was a beautiful day outside and I told her, "well at least it's a good day to get lost."  I immediately thought that I had a cool hook, so I hurried her on her way and started writing it immediately.  The song is about escaping the stress and craziness of our everyday lives.  Sometimes, it just feels good to get in a car and drive.

Do you play any instruments?  If so, what and do you have a favorite instrument to play (if you play more than one)?

I've been a drummer longer than I've been a piano player. 

How would you describe the whole process of recording "Courageous" and what is a typical day in the studio like for you?

The process is intoxicating.  It's like building a piece of furniture with your closest friends.  We sit down with the studio players and go over the songs.  The listen, make notes, we chat about arrangements and then they go in and do their thing.  When you work with gifted people the process is a true joy.

Most tracking sessions are booked in three hour time slots, so we'd start tracking at 10am and go til 1pm.  We'd break for lunch, come back at 2pm and go 'til 5pm.  Once tracking is done, we then schedule overdubs and vocals. 

What goals do you feel you have accomplished with your career and what do you still hope to accomplish?

We've done everything I ever wanted as a kid.  We've created and released our own product and we get to play our songs in front of a lot of people.  What more is there?

What motivates you to keep striving in the music business?

The hope that the next song or the next show will affect the listener.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life?  (music related or not)

Christ alone.

If you could collaborate with anyone musically, who would it be and why?

Michael McDonald.  He was the first performing songwriter that I heard and said "yeah, I want to do that!"

What do you like about touring and what do you dislike?

Love the people and experience.  Dislike having to figure out the Canadian/American exchange rate.  :-)

Do you have a favorite song to perform live?

I play this blues song called "Don't Go Away Mad, Just Go Away."  It's silly but a blast to play.

How do you balance your music career with your family and friends when you're on the road touring?

I lean heavily on my wife.

What is the most difficult aspect of the music industry in your opinion?

Getting heard.

What advice would you give to those who plan to get into the music business?

Make music the aim, not worldly success.
Songwriter's Spotlight: NHW Songwriter's Tour
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