Terri Clark
Life Goes On
For one reason or another, Terri Clark has almost always slid under the radar to me. I've never thought of Clark as a leading female vocalist, yet she's had plenty of great singles. I surprised myself when I actually began recalling singles by Clark from the beginning of her career until now. - "Better Things To Do," "Girls Lie Too," "A Little Gasoline," "I Wanna Do It All," "I Just Wanna Be Mad," and her latest hit "She Didn't Have Time." That's just a start of what I remembered at the time of this review. That's a fairly good length of singles and a lot of them are really great singles.
Clark's first single from "Life Goes On" was "She Didn't Have Time." This was the right single for her to release first. Songs that portray real stories make the best songs and "She Didn't Have Time" tells a story from start to end.
The title track "Life Goes On" and "D*** Right" start this album off pretty good. Both singles are up-tempos and the "normal" songs from Terri Clark. "Not Enough Tequila" is a slower, meaningful single with potential as well. "Life Goes On" has several "Honky Tonk" songs for all of those who like those rough-edged songs. The ballads of Terri Clark are the standouts on this album though. The up-tempo song "Everybody's Gotta Go Sometime" is also another favorite.
With "Life Goes On," you get a variety of song themes, and a combination of up-tempos and ballads, but the core element still remains - Terri Clark's voice. This album is actually better than I expected from Clark. "Life Goes On" includes many tracks that would do well on Country radio. - Janelle Landauer
Album picks: "She Didn't Have Time," "Not Enough Tequila," "Slow News Day," "Life Goes On," and "Everybody's Gotta Go Sometime."